Thursday, February 26, 2009

Ami from Wauna, WA: ShipShape and Housewife Fashion

The description I received for this blog, from un-locationally-identified (locationally un-identified?) Wauna 10 Ami is short and sweet:
I do nothing all day, and then I blog about it.
Which I don't think is really that different from most any other blogger, but Ami's not talking about doing nothing at a desk, at a place of employment, where doing nothing and blogging is, y'know, exactly what you're not supposed to do. I mean, or so I would imagine.

Ami's a self-identified housewife. [I always love Dooce's redefinition of "SAHM" from "Stay-at-Home Mom" to "Shit Ass Ho Motherfucker." I also tell all my playwright friends that their MFA degrees certify them as Mother-Fuckin' Artists. This is all a lot of cursing for a post about the blog of a housewife and mom, but right now Ami's most recent post is about Guiness, so. -ed] To steal a little more description from Ami's blog:
I read, write, clean, cook, sew, garden and change a lot of diapers. It's all an adventure.
It sounds pretty awesome. (I have major garden envy.) Ami's blog is called ShipShape and Housewife Fashion. Rawr!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Neilson in Beacon Hill:

Goodness, Tens. A lot of y'all have blogs. The first batch has gone up on the blogroll over yonder (that means "to the right"), with more blogs and a whole load of twitters coming tonight or tomorrow. Keep checking back for more!

Also, as promised, folks who send some sort of description of their blog will get (eventually) written up here. And right now that honor goes to Neilson of the Beacon Hill Tens. [I really think Seattle has some amazing neighborhood suburb names. My hands-down favorite? Snohomish. -ed]

If you have a strong long-term memory, you might remember Neilson as one of the two Twitter I Love You Chunk-ers from two nights ago. His twittering handle is wheelson (I'm not clear on proper usage of the "@" for twitter IDs - should that be "@wheeldon"?), and his blog is called Although he doesn't explain what the heck the title means, Neilson writes:
I've had a blog in some form for about 7 years. The ravages of time have caused many of my older posts to fade into the aether. During that time I've been trying to think of a way to focus my blog posts. You'd think ten years would be long enough but I'm a power procrastinator. I do think I'm starting to narrow in on things a bit though. With Twitter home to my more disposable ramblings I feel like I can use my blog for articles that are more focused. Look for topics to center around photography, web based communication tools and the art of procrastinating.
Bonus points for spelling "aether" like that. Rawr!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Chris in NYC: East Village Idiot

You may know Chris from such TBTL intros as "Support for this hour of TBTL," singing Mr. Big's "To Be With You," and [ed- my favorite,] "When I listen to TBTL I go crazy!" He willingly admits, "I dialed in all three of those intros while I was both tired and emotional."

Chris blogs at East Village Idiot. He writes:
I've been blogging for seven some-odd years on an on-again, off-again basis (the on-again has been going on for about 3 1/2 years). I live in New York's East Village, hence the name of my blog, which has very little to do with the East Village, nor does it usually insinuate that I'm an idiot (some readers may disagree). I generally blog about the same seemingly mundane topics that TBTL discusses: grammatical errors, quitting Facebook, bad advertising, and the stupid things I do with a beer or two [ed- one or two? really?] in me.
Chris also has a twitter account - you can follow him here. Rawr!