We interrupt this lack of scheduled posting (meep) to bring word of a Tens event TOMORROW in NYC. Bar trivia!
Of course, if you were a member of the NYC Tens Facebook group, you'd've known about this weeks ago.
But because some people hate facebook, and really, who can blame you?:
Wednesday June 17th at Common Ground (206 Avenue A, btw. 12th & 13th) - meet at 8, trivia and ask-kicking at 9. (Since it's a bar, sadly 21+.)
(Email me with any questions or concerns.)
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
A Few for the Price of... Something That's Free Anyway: Ryan in LA, Anna in Jersey City, Laura Marie in Asheville, NC
Here's a multi-ten post to give you some extra exciting reading this lovely exciting Tuesday morning:
Ryan, an LA time-bandit, writes, "I've been blogging on MySpace since I started my computer job four-and-a-half years ago. Mostly now it's just stuff that really catches my fancy or stuff that pimps my band or stuff that I don't want to lose track of." Her blog can be found here. The top post right now opens with, "Oh god I love Alan Tudyk," which is always good in my book. Ryan is also on twitter: @blutortu.
Anna of Jersey City (or, for those of us at the NYC Holiday Karaoke party, "Anna of performing Jay-Z's '99 Problems' and totally killing it") has a sweet blog called Iwanttowearit. It's about art and fashion and all things related. She also twitters.
And rounding out today's trifecta, Laura Marie of the Asheville, NC tens. Her blog is called Learning to Love Us. It's a collective art project inspired by Miranda July's Learning to Love You More.
Ryan, an LA time-bandit, writes, "I've been blogging on MySpace since I started my computer job four-and-a-half years ago. Mostly now it's just stuff that really catches my fancy or stuff that pimps my band or stuff that I don't want to lose track of." Her blog can be found here. The top post right now opens with, "Oh god I love Alan Tudyk," which is always good in my book. Ryan is also on twitter: @blutortu.
Anna of Jersey City (or, for those of us at the NYC Holiday Karaoke party, "Anna of performing Jay-Z's '99 Problems' and totally killing it") has a sweet blog called Iwanttowearit. It's about art and fashion and all things related. She also twitters.
And rounding out today's trifecta, Laura Marie of the Asheville, NC tens. Her blog is called Learning to Love Us. It's a collective art project inspired by Miranda July's Learning to Love You More.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Adam in KC: adamtruax.com
Remember how during the Thunderdome Beach Diet, reference was made to a CRAZY Ten who'd be doing $3/day for a month?!?
Well, here he is. And here's his blog!
Adam's Thunderdome Beach exploits are also documented on his blog, as are my comments exhorting him to EAT VEGETABLES.
TBTL is mom impersonators.
Well, here he is. And here's his blog!
I am from Kansas City, and started listening to TBTL about 2 weeks ago. [This email was sent in February, so it's now been a little longer than that. -Ed.] Since then I time bandit the show from the night before while I am working in the morning and usually listen to one random show in the afternoon. I can't think of a better way to pass the time at work. For fun I volunteer with middle school and high school students, they tend to keep me pretty busy. Oh and I love the KC Royals, even though they are horrible.I am also on Twitter at www.twitter.com/adamtruax
Adam's Thunderdome Beach exploits are also documented on his blog, as are my comments exhorting him to EAT VEGETABLES.
TBTL is mom impersonators.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Nick from the Kansas City Area: Le Suerg
Today's 10blog is from Nick in Kansas ("from the Kansas City area, specifically"):
Okay look people, I will take no deprecation, this "fairly generic," "at least mildly entertaining" bullcrap. Pssht. Own the awesomeness of your blogs! Don't make me bust out the "hooray for you." I've got a stadium full of cheering extras who think your blogs kick ask.
Forever rawr.
My blog is “Le Suerg” at http://lesuerg.blogspot.com/. It’s a fairly generic blog, containing links to my favorite web gems, writings about other stuff that I like, and generally a lot of navel-gazing, but I like to think that it’s at least mildly entertaining to other people nonetheless.
Okay look people, I will take no deprecation, this "fairly generic," "at least mildly entertaining" bullcrap. Pssht. Own the awesomeness of your blogs! Don't make me bust out the "hooray for you." I've got a stadium full of cheering extras who think your blogs kick ask.
Forever rawr.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Tanner in Brooklyn: Silent 10 No More!
Way back in the early days of the Metablog (also, hi, yes, I'm back from being a lazy bum), I got an email that started, "My name is Tanner, I am a silent 10 from brooklyn. I am also a blogger." Who'd have known that, thanks to the magic of the internet, podcasts, the radio, and beer, I would know Tanner, frequently corresponding with him on twitter and knowing him as an awesome fellow NYC Ten.
Lesson being: Tens, don't be silent. Also: once you email me about the Metablog, you're not silent any more!
So Tanner has an awesome blog called Tanner Ringerud is Internet. Says Tanner:
Silent Tens pulled forcibly from obscurity, one at a time.
Lesson being: Tens, don't be silent. Also: once you email me about the Metablog, you're not silent any more!
So Tanner has an awesome blog called Tanner Ringerud is Internet. Says Tanner:
I set it up when I was moving to New York so my old friends back in Colorado could keep track of me. It's not anything special, just me talking about how mundane my life is and posting funny links I find on the internet. I also talk about all the crazy stuff that happens all the time in Brooklyn, like the time I saw a guy pooping off a bridge into the gowanus canal.Tanner also - so this is actually great timing, me waiting to update the Metablog till now - just launched a kickass webseries called Must Love Robots. Yes, the ironic love of robots (like pirates and bacon) is verboten in TBTListan, but the sincere love of robots lives on, just like bacon is still tasty and sea shanties are still some catchy tunes.
Silent Tens pulled forcibly from obscurity, one at a time.
tanner in nyc,
the gowanus canal,
Friday, April 10, 2009
Late Breaking News!! 10s Party Added for TONIGHT in LA (Culver City)
Hey folks. In addition to the remote parties in Tenver* & NYC** tonight, Marie-Reine & Joe are creating a home for you LA-area 10s as well. 9:30pm @ the Tattle Tell. If you have any questions about commuting by bike, btw, Joe is a freaking resource.
*7pm, Patrick Carroll's (3963 Tennyson St) - The Tenverites Facebook page has more info, including a for-ease-of-finding-strangers cell #.
**9pm, 12th St Ale House (192 2nd Ave, at 12th St.) - Chris will be wearing the TBTL shirt. Email me for my cell if you like.
*7pm, Patrick Carroll's (3963 Tennyson St) - The Tenverites Facebook page has more info, including a for-ease-of-finding-strangers cell #.
**9pm, 12th St Ale House (192 2nd Ave, at 12th St.) - Chris will be wearing the TBTL shirt. Email me for my cell if you like.
Monday, April 6, 2009
TBTL's 304-aversary
Hey 10s. The metablog's a bit backed up, but that should resolve itself this week. But I wanted to quickly give you all info about all the remote locations for this Friday's celebration of TBTL's 304th episode. Of course, for you actual Seattleites, there's TBTL's party at Spitfire. But at least in NYC, and maybe in Denver (Tenverites - let me know), we're happy to use this excuse to get together for some quality T&E.
New York:
12th St Ale House
192 2nd Ave, at 12th St.
For ease of finding us - Chris will be wearing a TBTL t-shirt. 11s and on up are, of course, welcome, but no one should - as I did with karaoke - feel like you need a security blanket friend. (That's what I called mine.) Email me with questions, to let us know you're coming, or - hi, socially anxious 10s, I am one of you - if you want my cell # for ease of stranger-finding.
Patrick Carroll's
3963 Tennyson St
The Tenverites Facebook page has more info, including a for-ease-of-finding-strangers cell #.
Any other cities? Let me know!
New York:
12th St Ale House
192 2nd Ave, at 12th St.
For ease of finding us - Chris will be wearing a TBTL t-shirt. 11s and on up are, of course, welcome, but no one should - as I did with karaoke - feel like you need a security blanket friend. (That's what I called mine.) Email me with questions, to let us know you're coming, or - hi, socially anxious 10s, I am one of you - if you want my cell # for ease of stranger-finding.
Patrick Carroll's
3963 Tennyson St
The Tenverites Facebook page has more info, including a for-ease-of-finding-strangers cell #.
Any other cities? Let me know!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Kate in Berlin: Kate is on the Internets!
Are there other Tens in Berlin, such that it would be offensive/inaccurate for me to refer to Kate as TBTL's Berliner ambassador? I know it would be inaccurate use of the word "Berliner," but other than that?
Kate writes a blog called Kate is on the Internets!, which I guess is either meta or self-evident, or both. Or maybe a tautology?
Kate writes a blog called Kate is on the Internets!, which I guess is either meta or self-evident, or both. Or maybe a tautology?
I'm Kate, a Fulbright Scholar and Northwestern University graduate, origionally from Texas but currently living in Berlin, Germany. This is a blog about living the TBTL lifestyle abroad, sneaking into things like Berlin Fashion Week, teaching little Germans English, and getting myself into a fair ammount of trouble of the nerdtastic yet fun kind.(I need to start using the word "nerdtastic" more.)
getting into trouble,
kate in berlin,
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Jaime in NYC: Surplus & Cheap Healthy Good (and the TBTL Metablog?)
Well isn't this meta. I figured it's time to tell y'all about my own blogs. (I've been going through the blogs in order received, and although we can consider mine technically the first submitted, I didn't want to start off self-promotionally.) One of my blogs, I suppose, is the TBTL Metablog, but that would just be too meta, so let's move on.
I also hope everyone's okay with me not doing this in the normal style, third-person, pretending I'm not talking about myself and my own blogs.
So. Moving on.
The main blog in my life is called Surplus. I started it a few years ago as a place for extra thoughts and musings that would otherwise be rambled to my friends, to the point that they might start hating me. But I think the internet is more forgiving, or more interested. Or won't tell me to my face that it's not. I write about theatre and books, because those are things I love, but also whatever else is on my mind. Recently: the Higgs boson, a 3-months-late roundup of the best theatre and books of 2008, a play I really loved. I went through a lolcats phase, and wrote a tribute to my now-ex-roommate with those when we moved into solo apartments. I sometimes write open letters. I like science and the farmers market and baseball. To steal from Ali: the classic narcissistic blog style.
I also write a column for a fantastic website called Cheap Healthy Good. (I can call it fantastic because so much of it has nothing to do with me.) My column is called City Kitchen Chronicles (which is silly, because all three writers live in NYC, but the other columnist had already taken vegetarian eating as her theme). The whole site is full of recipes and ideas about eating healthily and really cheaply. My lentil soup costs about 80 cents a serving. We are ready for Thunderdome.
And if you're not sick of me yet, I also twitter.
Gossip Girl
I also hope everyone's okay with me not doing this in the normal style, third-person, pretending I'm not talking about myself and my own blogs.
So. Moving on.
The main blog in my life is called Surplus. I started it a few years ago as a place for extra thoughts and musings that would otherwise be rambled to my friends, to the point that they might start hating me. But I think the internet is more forgiving, or more interested. Or won't tell me to my face that it's not. I write about theatre and books, because those are things I love, but also whatever else is on my mind. Recently: the Higgs boson, a 3-months-late roundup of the best theatre and books of 2008, a play I really loved. I went through a lolcats phase, and wrote a tribute to my now-ex-roommate with those when we moved into solo apartments. I sometimes write open letters. I like science and the farmers market and baseball. To steal from Ali: the classic narcissistic blog style.
I also write a column for a fantastic website called Cheap Healthy Good. (I can call it fantastic because so much of it has nothing to do with me.) My column is called City Kitchen Chronicles (which is silly, because all three writers live in NYC, but the other columnist had already taken vegetarian eating as her theme). The whole site is full of recipes and ideas about eating healthily and really cheaply. My lentil soup costs about 80 cents a serving. We are ready for Thunderdome.
And if you're not sick of me yet, I also twitter.
Gossip Girl
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Lisa in NYC: Dear Scott Peterson
The concept for Lisa's blog, as she put it in her email, sounds pretty straightforward, if awesomely dark and maybe a little effed up (in a really cool way): My blog, Dear Scott Peterson, is written by a fictional female who believes convicted murderer, Scott Peterson, is her soul mate and writes him love letters in prison.
And yet it's kind of even awesomer than that. Let's just look at the current most-recent post:
And yet it's kind of even awesomer than that. Let's just look at the current most-recent post:
Dear Scott.That is totally awesome. Lisa's a writer in NYC, and the blog is self-contained in its story - it doesn't give away its fictional nature. (So we Tens are in on a hot secret.) Rawr.
OMG! I just took the bus from Ohio to audition for America's Next Top Model, and check-out what happened to me while waiting in line! I'm the hottie wearing the pink tube top who is running for her life!
Monday, March 23, 2009
Rachel in Vienna: Views from Vienna
But still! Rachel lives in Vienna, a lovely city where I once had a totally awesome waffle with some chocolate sauce that did not F around! But while I have 36 hours of experience of Vienna, Rachel actually lives there, so let's listen to her:
I'm a TBTL time bandit living in Vienna, Austria. I moved here from Seattle almost two years ago, but TBTL helps me feel like I'm still connected to the city that I may always consider home. In the meantime, living "abroad" is a constant adventure. My husband and I are trying to see as much of Europe as we can, and I try to blog about our travels after major trips. My blog is Views from Vienna. It's been awhile since I did a post, but I've got some trips coming up (to London and Berlin), so there should be more travel adventure stories soon.
Some of the most recent posts Rachel's got up include a trip to Barcelona (jealous!) and Preparing for Thunderdome. Totally Rawr.
rachel in vienna,
steve in zurich,
zurich is not vienna
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Ali in NYC: el amor y la lechegua
Things to know about Ali from NYC:
-She coined the very awesome term "something weird" on TBTL, as in: "My something weird and I were at a movie last weekend, and we ran into his college roommate and he had no idea what to introduce me as."
-Her blog, despite all titular appearances, is not in Spanish. To wit:
I think it sounds beyond semi-cool, Ali. Rawr indeed.
-She coined the very awesome term "something weird" on TBTL, as in: "My something weird and I were at a movie last weekend, and we ran into his college roommate and he had no idea what to introduce me as."
-Her blog, despite all titular appearances, is not in Spanish. To wit:
My blog is el amor y la lechuga which is a reference to an episode of the Nickelodeon show "The Brothers Garcia." One of my fave kid shows, just below "Pete & Pete." [I just realized that this boy I have a crush on looks like a lost third Pete. Maybe just because he's redheaded, but still. Look at Ali's blog, bringing me to deep realizations before I've even started reading it. -Ed.] This is the second attempt I've ever made at blogging. It's mostly in the classic narcissistic blog style that many a whiny college kid would write but I try to post cool things like stuff I'm working on for class, little short films I've done, cool music videos and really boss recipes that are both easy to cook and can be easily adapted for veg heads. I also spend a lot of time talking about my nerdy love of tbtl like most of us I think. I personally think it's nifty but ya never know. I really started it up so friends could keep up with me and my personal insanity. Hope you guys might find it semi-cool.
I think it sounds beyond semi-cool, Ali. Rawr indeed.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Three for the Price of One, Not Counting the Tripled Wait Time
Hello Tens of Seattle and the diaspora. I'm back, only a few days after I said I would be. I'm very sorry to have introduced you to the concept of Jaime Time, and so early into things. It's like Burbank Standard Time, except instead of infuriating sailors it infuriates anyone I'm supposed to be meeting at a set time.
ANYWAY, in a probably ineffective attempt to make up for lost time (and because I have a bajillion of these in my email), I'm going to profile a few blogs here at once. Readysetgo!
Lawrence in Tenver titled his email to me "MY DUMB BLOG," which I loved. He writes:
Rawr! Next up, Calvin in Eastlake won points with me by ending his email with this post-script: Sorry it didn't work out with the cute guy with the kitty! Amen, brother! So, Calvin, tell us about yourself and your blog, Stranger in a Strange Land, if you please.
And now, because things are nice when they come in threes, let's hear from Brandon in Edmonds. Brandon is another member of my 'TBTL is like a blog but on the radio' faction...
Brandon also twitters.
And that's it for now. Unless someone can answer these pressing questions:
ANYWAY, in a probably ineffective attempt to make up for lost time (and because I have a bajillion of these in my email), I'm going to profile a few blogs here at once. Readysetgo!
Lawrence in Tenver titled his email to me "MY DUMB BLOG," which I loved. He writes:
My blog is called Race of Truth, and can be found at http://lawrencepelo.blogspot.com/. Race of Truth is a schizophrenic blog that combines daily gripes titled "WHAT I HATE TODAY: Your daily dose of negative energy" with daily posts about my quest to break the world record for the 24-hour inline skating time trial.
Rawr! Next up, Calvin in Eastlake won points with me by ending his email with this post-script: Sorry it didn't work out with the cute guy with the kitty! Amen, brother! So, Calvin, tell us about yourself and your blog, Stranger in a Strange Land, if you please.
I'm a database developer working Microsoft, live on Eastlake in Seattle. I specialize in "metadata" driven coding, so I share your fascinations with all things meta. My blog is about science, nature, politics, arts, culture, 4chan, memes, and religion, particularly fundamentalism.I don't know what "4chan lulz" are, but as an avid reading of xkcd, I feel like I probably should.My love of science, culture, and the internet needs no explanation, as I'm a 10. But I also share Luke's evangelical background, and although I lost my faith ages ago I've continued to learn more about Christianity. So that explains the fascination with religion. And while I'm not really a /b/tard I do lurk moar and write silly blogs about 4chan lulz.
And now, because things are nice when they come in threes, let's hear from Brandon in Edmonds. Brandon is another member of my 'TBTL is like a blog but on the radio' faction...
Down With Pants! is a worldwide movement against....oh who am I kidding? It's a personal blog that I've been writing for coming up on five years. I'm a stay-at-home dad (AKA unemployed) from Edmonds, Washington and my blog serves as an adult outlet for me during a day that typically is spent lost in kiddieland. I write about a lot of the same things that TBTL talks about, in fact, I think that's why I like TBTL so much. I like to think that TBTL is very much what Down With Pants! would sound like if it were somehow in a radio format.
Brandon also twitters.
And that's it for now. Unless someone can answer these pressing questions:
- Who recorded the "Guest Producer Doug Schrecengost" drop? Surely not the man himself?
- Has there been ANY explanation of Intern Robin's disappearance? I assume she's just not interning any more, but I don't like this secrecy! It's like when... um... the kid... on some sitcom... just went upstairs and NEVER RETURNED. And NO ONE TALKED ABOUT IT. Unless there was an explanation re: Robin, and I just missed it.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Hey folks. Just a quick note that work's been eating my brain (and time) the last couple of days, but I'll be back with many updates to the blogroll and a new post here tomorrow. [I'm brain-eaten enough that I can't even think of an appropriate TBTL reference to put here! Come on!]
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Kurt in Factoria: Baine's Oscar Tracker
I really love how Kurt describes his blog, Baine's Oscar Tracker, so let's just get to that:
Gossip Girl
I have had a movie blog for about almost a year or so. It's basis of the next years Academy Awards, predictions and such things for the acting categories, directors and the films themselves. Movies and performances to look for. But I also toss in the odd news story that is actor or movie related as well. It's strictly a information/opinionated based movie blog. I don't do any bells or whistles and fancy stuff because I don't have the time and there are hundreds of movie sites out there. This is for content base only. People that just want serious movie information only.I never thought a blog could sound so damn reasonable and practical, but it sells the thing well. I also love "Factoria," just as a word. It's no Snohomish, but then we can't all be Snohomishes, can we? Kurt's blog is really fantastic, I've got to say. (I'd call it the Snohomish of movie blogs, but Snohomish is a very bells and whistles sort of word.)
Gossip Girl
Monday, March 2, 2009
Trucker Mark: On the Road (again)
I think most TBTL listeners are familiar with Trucker Mark. If I recall, back in the days of my early tendom he was interviewed in a (now-defunct?) series about people with cool/weird/interesting jobs. (I'm sure someone remembers this better than I do - please fill us amnesiacs in in the comments.) Mark blogs about, well, I'll let him tell you:
my blog is updated maybe once or twice a week and details my life as a trucker,the absurdity, the banality, the mind numbing bliss. you know...
The absurdity, banality, and mind numbing bliss can be found at On the Road (again). Mark also twitters from all over the country, and take some fine photographs:

(Hands on the wheel, dude.)

(Hands on the wheel, dude.)
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Ami from Wauna, WA: ShipShape and Housewife Fashion
The description I received for this blog, from un-locationally-identified (locationally un-identified?) Wauna 10 Ami is short and sweet:
Ami's a self-identified housewife. [I always love Dooce's redefinition of "SAHM" from "Stay-at-Home Mom" to "Shit Ass Ho Motherfucker." I also tell all my playwright friends that their MFA degrees certify them as Mother-Fuckin' Artists. This is all a lot of cursing for a post about the blog of a housewife and mom, but right now Ami's most recent post is about Guiness, so. -ed] To steal a little more description from Ami's blog:
I do nothing all day, and then I blog about it.Which I don't think is really that different from most any other blogger, but Ami's not talking about doing nothing at a desk, at a place of employment, where doing nothing and blogging is, y'know, exactly what you're not supposed to do. I mean, or so I would imagine.
Ami's a self-identified housewife. [I always love Dooce's redefinition of "SAHM" from "Stay-at-Home Mom" to "Shit Ass Ho Motherfucker." I also tell all my playwright friends that their MFA degrees certify them as Mother-Fuckin' Artists. This is all a lot of cursing for a post about the blog of a housewife and mom, but right now Ami's most recent post is about Guiness, so. -ed] To steal a little more description from Ami's blog:
I read, write, clean, cook, sew, garden and change a lot of diapers. It's all an adventure.It sounds pretty awesome. (I have major garden envy.) Ami's blog is called ShipShape and Housewife Fashion. Rawr!
ami from somewhere,
doing nothing,
excessive editorial cursing,
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Neilson in Beacon Hill: Yo-Yodyne.com
Goodness, Tens. A lot of y'all have blogs. The first batch has gone up on the blogroll over yonder (that means "to the right"), with more blogs and a whole load of twitters coming tonight or tomorrow. Keep checking back for more!
Also, as promised, folks who send some sort of description of their blog will get (eventually) written up here. And right now that honor goes to Neilson of the Beacon Hill Tens. [I really think Seattle has some amazingneighborhood suburb names. My hands-down favorite? Snohomish. -ed]
If you have a strong long-term memory, you might remember Neilson as one of the two Twitter I Love You Chunk-ers from two nights ago. His twittering handle is wheelson (I'm not clear on proper usage of the "@" for twitter IDs - should that be "@wheeldon"?), and his blog is called Yo-Yodyne.com. Although he doesn't explain what the heck the title means, Neilson writes:
Also, as promised, folks who send some sort of description of their blog will get (eventually) written up here. And right now that honor goes to Neilson of the Beacon Hill Tens. [I really think Seattle has some amazing
If you have a strong long-term memory, you might remember Neilson as one of the two Twitter I Love You Chunk-ers from two nights ago. His twittering handle is wheelson (I'm not clear on proper usage of the "@" for twitter IDs - should that be "@wheeldon"?), and his blog is called Yo-Yodyne.com. Although he doesn't explain what the heck the title means, Neilson writes:
I've had a blog in some form for about 7 years. The ravages of time have caused many of my older posts to fade into the aether. During that time I've been trying to think of a way to focus my blog posts. You'd think ten years would be long enough but I'm a power procrastinator. I do think I'm starting to narrow in on things a bit though. With Twitter home to my more disposable ramblings I feel like I can use my blog for articles that are more focused. Look for topics to center around photography, web based communication tools and the art of procrastinating.Bonus points for spelling "aether" like that. Rawr!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Chris in NYC: East Village Idiot
You may know Chris from such TBTL intros as "Support for this hour of TBTL," singing Mr. Big's "To Be With You," and [ed- my favorite,] "When I listen to TBTL I go crazy!" He willingly admits, "I dialed in all three of those intros while I was both tired and emotional."
Chris blogs at East Village Idiot. He writes:
Chris blogs at East Village Idiot. He writes:
I've been blogging for seven some-odd years on an on-again, off-again basis (the on-again has been going on for about 3 1/2 years). I live in New York's East Village, hence the name of my blog, which has very little to do with the East Village, nor does it usually insinuate that I'm an idiot (some readers may disagree). I generally blog about the same seemingly mundane topics that TBTL discusses: grammatical errors, quitting Facebook, bad advertising, and the stupid things I do with a beer or two [ed- one or two? really?] in me.Chris also has a twitter account - you can follow him here. Rawr!
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